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Stop! Grammar Time!

Let’s talk about anyway, any way, and anyways. Because there is, in fact, a difference.

Anyway is an adverb that means “regardless” or “nevertheless.”

Though Skooch apologized for being late with the coffee, Aaron beat him anyway.

It can also signify that a story is being resumed.

Anyway, I think Shirlee has been partaking in the Devil’s lettuce on her lunch breaks.

Any way, on the other hand, is a phrase that refers to method or means.

Courtney suddenly realized that the key to her success was to emulate Aaron any way she could.

Note that, in the above example, in any manner could replace any way.

As for anyways, well…it’s best to drop the s. Though it may have its roots in Middle English (a corruption of anywise), these days it’s generally considered dialectal, and therefore not appropriate in formal writing.



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