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Strange Days

Last week I was listening to a podcast on which one of the hosts, after watching the Netflix documentary series Tiger King, said that he was now rooting for the coronavirus to wipe out the entire human race. He was joking, of course—at least I hope he was—but still, I thought it was a bit much.

I mean, the show’s got everything: gay polygamy, toothless rednecks, a sex cult, con artists, murder for hire, a strip club owner-turned-FBI informant, and a missing millionaire. And tigers. Or, as our very own Carl Heidle described it, Tiger King is “some of the best trash TV money can buy.” What’s not to like?

No, what really has me rooting for COVID-19 (I kid! I kid!) is this. And yes, it’s real: a cooperative board game, for two to five players, the object of which is to “help Kenny G stay in the groove with the power of jazz!” Which—let’s be honest—is making at least a couple of assumptions, not the least of which is that Kenny G was ever “in the groove” in the first place.

Thankfully, the game appears to have been made as a joke. Otherwise, the despair would be too much for me to handle.



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