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Strike a pose

Well another week has come and gone for me at helveticka. This  week was even more busy than the last. The logo project I have been developing is getting ready to be shown. So, I have spent most of my days concepting, refining, and creating numerous versions of my various logos. It’s been really rewarding and very insightful getting critique from CK. We are showing the first round of concepts next Tuesday and then we’ll move forward from there. I can’t wait to hear what the client thinks!

I also had the chance to attend and participate in a photo shoot for a magazine ad I am putting together. We needed some extras/actors and I figured I could help out, little did I know that CK had plans of putting me front and center in the photo. I was “playing” a student, a role that comes naturally to me. I guess if this design thing doesn’t work out I can always pursue a modeling career.

Signing off,
Tony the Intern



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