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Thanks A Lot, Pixar


I had such high hopes for 4 Design Lessons From The Pixar Team. I was all like, “Wow. I love Pixar! And I’m a designer. I could probably learn something useful from this article. Plus, only 4 bullet points? I can totally read that before anyone walks past my desk and wonders why I’m slacking off!”

So I clicked on it. I’ll let you lucky people in on the four bullet points right now so you don’t even have to click the link. Here, check it out, 4 design lessons from the Pixar team:

1. Do your research
2. Collaborate across teams
3. Keep it simple
4. Pay attention to the details

… … … If you’re feeling non-plussed, I’m with ya. I mean, I feel like every company touts that they have those four bullets on lock, but pretty much no one is as cool as Pixar. I was expecting a recipe for the Pixar secret sauce and instead all I got was a list of jargon. I guess that’s what I get for thinking a 639-word article would unlock the secrets of the universe.



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