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The B.S. Goes to 11

Jeff Koons is unveiling his latest project, and, from the sounds of it, well…let’s just let him describe it:

“They touch on the metaphysical: the right here right now and its connection to the past and the future.”

Hmmm. Since metaphysics includes ontology (the nature of existence), cosmology (the origin of the universe), and epistemology (the theory of knowledge), Koons must really be on to something this time.

“They’re about shine, the basics of philosophy, passion, what it means to be a human, what it means to be an animal, the idea of transcendence.”

My copy of the OED helpfully describes transcendent as “surpassing or excelling others of its kind, supreme; beyond the range or grasp of human experience, belief, etc.” Which helps explain the next line:

“Working on this, I felt a sense of my own potential, and the sharing of that with a large community.”

Hard to believe that the record holder for “price at auction for a work by a living artist” could be so humble, right?

“I hope people understand my ideas. I hope they embrace them as a continuation of my effort to erase the hierarchy attached to fine art and old masters.”

So. What’s Koons up to? Glad you asked. It’s…handbags.



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