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The Best of Show

No matter how small or large your ego is, it’s always nice to see your work recognized by your peers. And while I’ve become a bit numb to the annual ADDY Awards event (you might too if you attended 34 out of the last 35 year’s worth of shows), the evening still provides a showcase for the many talented folks working in our local community.

Left to right: Morgan Lynch, Courtney Sowards, CK Anderson, Linda Anderson. Photo by Chad Ramsey.

Not all eligible firms participate, but the entries remain a reflection of the enormous body of creative work produced here in Spokane and the collaborative energy behind it. So…here’s to the writers, designers, creative directors, account managers, photographers, filmmakers, sound designers, editors, animators, printers, interns, and programmers (to name just a few). And—most of all—to our clients. Cheers!

03.31.2015, 9:48am
by jo fyfe

Congratulations Chuck and Linda….well deserved!



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