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The Gift of Music

“When one of the greatest guitarists, musicians and composers of our times offers you a free new album during a time of distress,” writes Mark Smotroff, “it’s a good idea to listen.”

He’s speaking of the legendary John McLaughlin, and he’s right.

I’ve been listening to Is That So?—McLaughlin’s collaboration with composer and vocalist Shankar Mahadevan and Ustad Zakir Hussain on tabla—all morning, and while I can’t speak to its “healing sounds,” I can certainly attest to its beauty.

Aldous Huxley famously said that “after silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” McLaughlin, Mahadevan, and Hussain have given us something that transcends the fear and sorrow of our current moment. And let me repeat: It’s a free download. If you like what you hear (and you will), and think someone else might appreciate it, spread the word.



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