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The Mysteries of Space Gray


I recently found out that what I’ve been calling a “black” iPhone all these years has a much more absurd title: “Space Gray.” In an age where parents name their kids things like Sandman and Ruckus, it’s no surprise that Apple would reach into the great celestial beyond in order to secure their place in the history of technology and color naming. What really got to me, aside from the clear dilemma between “space” and “gray,” was the air of mystique about the name, inspiring me to get to the bottom of just what Space Gray is anyway. A quick google search made the answer pretty clear: no one really knows.

I was specifically looking for a hexcode, something concrete to which I could tie my understanding of “Space Gray,” but what I found was inconclusive. My initial search turned up #a5adb0, #858487, #b4b5b9, #666666, and #CCCCCC. Unsatisfied, I tried the pull-an-image-into-photoshop-and-use-the-eyedropper approach which was, of course, useless.

From the evidence, I can only conclude that “Space Gray,” like crop circles and the source of many of Ripley’s problems, is extraterrestrial in origin, most likely gifted to Steve Jobs during a secret diplomatic mission to the Andromeda Galaxy. Thanks, aliens. I guess…



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