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Tuesday Levity

I’ve learned a lot in this business—about people (we’re credulous), writing (it’s hard), and client expectations (they’re wildly optimistic).

I’ve also learned that everything we do takes far more time than people outside the industry could ever imagine. Especially photo shoots. Which is something to ponder as you scroll through the 50 Weirdest Stock Photos You Won’t Be Able to Unsee.

What’s really astonishing to me is that somebody thought that every one of these images was not only a good idea, but also a money-making proposition. I mean, that’s the whole reason behind stock photography: You come up with a concept, you shoot it, you sell it—then just sit back and watch the sweet, sweet royalties roll in. But a woman tossing spaghetti in a forest? A snake with a cat’s head cooking soup in a hollowed-out pumpkin? A couple of bros at urinals, um…helping each other out?

The mind boggles.



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