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I’ve not touched on music for a while, mostly because my survey of the best of 2014—which, let’s be honest, was a tour de force—turned out to be a little more exhaustive than usual. In short, it was high time to write about something else.

But it’s been, what…a month now? And I have some new music to share. Or, rather, new-to-me music: The Handsome Family’s Singing Bones, from 2003. Fans of HBO’s True Detective will recognize “Far from Any Road” as the show’s theme song, but the entire album is definitely worth checking out.

01.23.2015, 2:18pm
by Linda Witherup

I have to confess I love their music (& from true detective) .. Some words seem a bit morbid (& sometimes even hilarious) but the music is addictive .. Can’t recall a time when I have honestly enjoyed country rhythms & loud heavy vibes .. But it all works..I always look for free stuff however I will now have to purchase ..



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