After becoming frustrated by the lack of help received by the internet in naming my new puppy (oh yeah, did I mention that? I have a new puppy. She is adorable.) I went to our resident wordsmith, Aaron, for some advice. She is a Japanese breed, a Shiba Inu, yet I couldn’t seem to narrow down any Japanese names that fit her personality. Aaron quickly jumped to his shelf and pulled out a book of untranslatable words.
Though none of those names became that of our new pup (we landed on Remi, a French name, a few days later) it did get me thinking about the awesomeness of this concept. This morning my internet scour (check out my post yesterday for a more in-depth explanation) led me, as usual, to where I found this gem of a link rounding up just that: untranslatable words! My favorite of the bunch is number 14:
Check out more here, or when Aaron gets back from Greeley, Colorado I will post the title of the book he pulled out in the comments section!