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Walt’s Last Stand

I’m just going to come right out and say it: Breaking Bad is the single greatest television show in the history of mankind. (Yes, even greater than the Battlestar Galactica reboot. Just so you know how serious I am.) To say that I’m looking forward to Sunday’s finale is an understatement on the order of suggesting that Miley Cyrus might be in the habit of exhibiting questionable judgment.

Here are some diversions to help you pass the time until the show airs:

Catch up on everything with the Breaking Bad Wiki.

An “epic GIF” of Mr. White’s transformation from Mr. Chips to Scarface.*

Watch the finale promo trailer.

Here’s an interview with Dr. Donna Nelson, one of the show’s science advisors.

Den of Geek! weighs in with some predictions.

*That’s apparently how showrunner Vince Gilligan pitched the show to AMC.



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