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Weekend Recommendations

Thanks to a friend who lent me a copy, I’m finally reading Susan Cain’s Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. Even if you’re not an introvert, I implore you to check it out.

Speaking of better late than never, a new musical discovery for me is the Austin-based duo Stars of the Lid. I recently picked up The Tired Sounds of… (2001) and And Their Refinement of the Decline (2007). Gorgeous stuff.

Last week, Z Nation was filming across the street from helveticka world headquarters. So naturally, I started watching it over the weekend (it’s streaming on Netflix). The show’s…not great. In fact, it’s laughably awful. But that’s just it: It’s so bad it’s good. Plus, Kellita Smith [wolf whistle].

Regardless of whether you choose to spend the weekend reading on the patio, blissing out to ambient drones, or bingeing on some good old-fashioned Zombie evisceration—or (gasp!) all of the above—be sure to pour yourself a glass or three of Dry Hills Distillery’s Bin 7 Wheat Whiskey. Temps will be in the 90s for a while, and you’re gonna want to stay hydrated.



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