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What I Did on My Summer Vacation, Part III

For our third and final hike of the week, the missus and I headed to North Idaho’s Selkirk Crest. As far as alpine experiences go, Harrison Lake might not be as majestic as, say, the Stuart Range. But it’s quite a bit closer—and far less crowded. Plus, it’s hard to argue with views like these.


And then there’s the lake itself, the sight of which is more than a suitable reward for the 1,600 feet or so of elevation gain from the south trailhead. (While the north trail is slightly less arduous, it’s also nearly twice as long.)


Plus, you get to see the headwaters of the Pack River, which burbles somewhat inauspiciously from the lake’s lowest point.


Check it out now—while the huckleberries are still on the bush and before the snow starts to fall. Just keep an eye out for bears. (And the occasional woodland caribou.)

09.12.2016, 1:37pm
by Linda

Oooooo my mouth is really watering now…nothing compares with that hike reward (if you beat the Bears, that is)



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