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I am! I began working here about six weeks ago now and I have a confession to make: I drive a Fiat. Now, I’m not the type who gets overly concerned about having the manliest of cars or even the most luxurious of cars. In fact, my first car was a 1974 VW Beetle. It was a nasty puke green color with a brown and beige interior. And to spice things up a bit, I put an XXL tie-dye T-shirt over the driver seat and used a yellow billiard ball my Dad drilled a hole into for a shift knob. As for the real kicker, whenever I came to a stop, I had to keep my right foot cocked at a 90-degree angle to rev the engine a bit just to keep this beater running.

Fast forward seven years and I made my first big-boy purchase. In March, I drove off the lot in a slightly used gunmetal grey 2013 Fiat 500 sport, a far cry from my hippie-mobile. However, when friends see what I drive, the overwhelming majority of responses are, “awww…it’s so cute!” Not exactly the response I was looking for. Then I saw these ads by illustrator Alex Solis of Agency Leo Burnett Tailor Made. So, for those who call it cute, you’d better watch out. My “cute” little Go Kart will eat you up off the line.



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