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Why Change at All?


Today marks the very first day of helveticka. (In case you missed it, here’s a link to learn more.)

While the spirit of Anderson Mraz Design lives on, the name itself is no longer relevant. There are a lot of reasons for making this change, most of which are way too dull to get into here. But I will give you one:

It’s simply better.

Better because it represents something that we’ve known for many years now: that good design is driven by good creative. Our evolution from a pure design firm to one that places creative thinking at a premium has come naturally to us. As we celebrate our 25th anniversary, we continue to strive to set our clients’ brands apart with elegant yet simple visual solutions that express their unique personalities. (And occasionally, we actually achieve this goal.)

So, with that creativity in mind—and thankful for never having to spell “Mraz” again, we now have a new name.



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