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Writing is Hard!

In an article on how to become a faster writer, Michael Agger quotes Stony Brook professor Robert Boice:

“Binge writing—hypomanic, euphoric marathon sessions to meet unrealistic deadlines—is generally counterproductive and potentially a source of depression and blocking.”

So if I look a little down lately, it’s because the AMD suits are unrelenting in their demands of me.

Even more interesting, however, is an observation by Saint Louis University psychologist Ronald Kellogg:

“Experts approaching a serious writing assignment may spend hours, days, or weeks thinking about the task before initiating the draft.”

That’s definitely my approach. Oh, and Kellogg also has some words for those of you—you know who you are—who think that this stuff is easy:

“Writing extended texts for publication is a major cognitive challenge, even for professionals who compose for a living.”



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