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December 2011

How to Catch Big Fish

The latest PROOF! issue (no. 6) tells the story of local fly-tying master John Newbury. PROOF! is a biannual publication + more

A Christmas Card from Terry Gilliam

Merry Christmas, everyone.

A Confession

Having made my feelings about Twitter known on at least two occasions (here and here), it pains me somewhat to + more

The Psychology of Color

Many of us don’t realize how brand colors impact a viewer’s visual senses and emotional feelings. Since we’re in the + more

RIP, Mr. Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens has succumbed to cancer. Few writers of our age could turn a phrase like Hitch—a man who, frankly, + more

If Only It Were That Easy…

According to this site, a short story I published back in August has a “bestseller score” of 19 out of + more

Ask Dr. Grammar!

Here’s a bit of a stumper: is it “myriad” or “myriad of”? The thing is, it’s not that simple. For + more

Public Service Announcement

With the price of coal nearing $80 per short ton (at least in northern Appalachia), here’s a way to save + more

The Microeconomics of Poetry

Thinking of going back to school to get that MFA? If it’s the life of a poet you’re yearning to + more

The Year in Music

Since CK wouldn’t grant me the time off to listen to every CD released in 2011 (something about “billable hours”), + more

Bigger Is Better

A few years ago we created the Whitworth University athletic logo. I recently attended a men’s basketball game and was + more

Wednesday Miscellany

Why Is Art So Damned Expensive?: “If I can’t sell something, I just double the price.” On the Impracticality of + more

Miniatur Wunderland

I was going to set up a model train to go around the Christmas tree this year, but after watching + more

Book Report

Just finished Philip Roth’s Nemesis—a short novel about a polio outbreak in Newark, New Jersey over the summer of 1944. + more

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