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Quote of the Day

Pete Christlieb, who played the sax solo on Steely Dan’s “Deacon Blues” (Aja, 1977), on the creative process: “I went over + more

Today in History

From the diary of A. C. Benson, September 8, 1904: “A verger took a party round [York Minster], and talked + more

Stop! Grammar Time!

This is really more of a usage note than a grammar issue, but I was too lazy to come up with + more

“You gotta live my way or you don’t live.”

Jim Knipfel over at Den of Geek! takes a look at “The High Strangeness of the Original Walking Tall Trilogy”—and + more


“Some people like to think that what they wear is free from artifice. But it never is.” Amish bodice bonnet-rippers. Got + more

Sausage and Onions with Extra Cheese, Please

Is this a thing? I mean, that’s cool and all—we certainly won’t judge. Back in the 70s and 80s, though, + more

Today in Existentialist History

Suffering from tuberculosis, the Reverend John Sterling had written to his friend Thomas Carlyle that he had only a few + more

Road Trip

In the southwestern corner of Montana, far from even the distant sounds of civilization, lies the little town of Bannack. + more

Jargon vs. Clarity

“If you want to succeed in the business world, don’t bother utilizing your bandwidth to drill down on core competencies. + more

High Expectations

With our third City of Greeley, Colorado campaign up and running and the 2016 campaign currently underway, I’m reminded of + more

Spokane Scene no. 14

The summit of Mt. Kit Carson is just a one-hour drive and a one-hour hike from downtown Spokane—a pretty small + more

“Sketch briefly Sir Walter Rawleigh…”

Wanna feel dumb? Take a gander at this 1912 high-school entrance exam, courtesy of the Bullitt County History Museum. Now, it’s been + more


Alex Ross on the curious intersection of classical music and popular culture. Now this is a bridge too far: small-batch, + more

August 6

Today marks the 70th anniversary of the world’s first act of nuclear warfare. Depending on one’s politics, the detonation of Little Boy + more

Fight! Fight!

Sebastian Thrun sounds downright triumphalist in his Pacific Standard post about artificial intelligence: We need to prepare for a world + more

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