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July 2018


This brilliant article over at The Outline is chock full of aphorisms that ought to be cross-stitched on pillows in + more

Tomasz Stanko, RIP

Though I worked as a reporter for my hometown newspaper back when I was in high school, I never really + more

We Live in Stupid Times

All this straw-banning nonsense is, well…just that: nonsense. Given that 60 percent of the plastic in the oceans comes from + more

We’ve Come So Far…

Apropos of nothing, really—and without further comment—let’s take a quick look at the state of American race relations in 1974, + more

Quote(s) of the Day

Yesterday I found myself at the Spalding Site of Nez Perce National Historic Park, where I read the following from + more

The End Is Nigh

Is it me, or is it a little ironic that World Emoji Day 2018 falls in the middle of Cannibal + more

Rise of the Machines

Tim Berners-Lee has regrets. From the very beginning, it turns out, the inventor of the World Wide Web “understood how + more

Weekend Recommendations

Thanks to a friend who lent me a copy, I’m finally reading Susan Cain’s Quiet: The Power of Introverts in + more

Three for Thursday

Ethan Iverson interviews one of my favorite musicians; the New York Times features one of my favorite authors; the New Atlantis + more

Summer Reading

There was a time—not too long ago, in fact—when I thought that jazz was a dead art form. (I also + more

I’m Out

Your bloodcurdling, horrific, spine-tingling news of the day: “Spiders can physically detect electrostatic changes in their surroundings.” They “prepare for + more


Last year, the missus and I spent Independence Day with the good folks of Rachel, Nevada, at the Little A’Le’Inn. + more

Today in History

In the following dispatch to the New York Times, Samuel Wilkeson gives an account of the “Confederate bombardment” at Gettysburg, + more

Man, Oh Manischewitz

Over at the Hedgehog Review (NB: sadly, they don’t actually review hedgehogs), Steve Lagerfeld assesses the rise of the contrarian crowd—then + more

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