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random thoughts

Why We Live Here

Just 25 miles from downtown Spokane: Kepple Lake, Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge. Shot yesterday with an iPhone 4S—not because I’m + more

Time for a Music Break

This coming Sunday would have been George Russell’s 90th birthday. Russell, who died in 2009, is rather breathlessly described at + more


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Pretty smart ad campaign from The History Channel. 165 million + more


A friend sent me this video this morning, saying that it “banished all despair for the day.” Clearly, she’s the + more

Whatta Guy

Nikolai Cherny is not only an expert researcher (his handiwork is behind the success of our SPOMa exhibit); he’s also a swell + more

“A Year and a Half at the Secret Pond”

Every few months, Stefan Kordluk would go to the same location and film for just a few seconds. The result + more

Going off the Rails…

I’ve long suspected that pretty much every person I know has a mental disorder. Now I have proof. Seriously, though, + more

Monday Miscellany

Philip K. Dick’s last interview from the June 1982 issue of Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine.… An ugly Lamborghini + more

Somewhere, a Focus Group Is Laughing Maniacally

Do you ever wonder whether there’s a finite amount of good ideas, and we’ve simply run out of them? No? + more

A Still-Developing Story

This looks absolutely fascinating, if perhaps—just perhaps—a little opportunistic. Until the film is completed, you can learn more about Ms. + more

It’s Not Easy Being Green

On a Saturday afternoon hike in the Deep Creek area of Riverside State Park, my daughter Emma managed to convince this + more

Reasons Why Spokane Is Awesome, no. 34,876

So the missus and I were waiting for the parade to start last Saturday when we discovered Monkeyboy Books, a little shop in + more

Happy Birthday to “the Unreachable World-Famous Noble Master of Poetry and Music*”

Richard Wagner was born 200 years ago today. I’m celebrating by playing Götterdämmerung—the celebrated 1964 Solti recording—while Shirlee’s at lunch. Back in 2011, Alex + more


Earlier today, my brother-in-law sent me a tantalizing email: What If? meets The Big Lebowski. Here’s a teaser—as if you needed one: + more

Am I missing something?

When it comes to advertising to Hispanics, the conventional wisdom is that we need to do more than just translate + more

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