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Friends along the Way

My friend Darrell Sullens passed away May 26. Darrell served in the Navy aboard the USS Pickerel, and was a well-known painter in the local art scene. He also opened an art supply store in 1978, the very year I started the design program at SFCC. When I wrote a blog post about his shop a couple of years ago, Darrell kindly commented. “We made many life long friends while running our little business,” he wrote. My wife Linda and I are grateful to be among them.

Last year helveticka celebrated its 30th anniversary. As part of the festivities, we designed an exhibit featuring 30 collaborators who helped us reach that milestone – individuals who made an impact both on my business and, in many cases, on me personally. Darrell was one of them. Here’s his story, along with my commentary, as shown in the exhibit:



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