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The Cookbook

In my family, when you get married, you get a cookbook. Not just any cookbook. The cookbook. It’s filled with recipes from my mother’s side of the family, dating back about three generations. Like the amazing ham sauce that’s changed Easter for me forever. Or my great grandmother’s sticky buns. (They. Are. So. Good.)

This is clearly a gift to be coveted. But if you’re like me (unmarried), then you’re out of luck. The closest I get to The Cookbook is over the phone with my mom, asking her to read me the ingredient list from her copy. I know I could always just snap pictures of the pages when I’m at a married relative’s house, but it’s just not the same.

A little about me. I’ve been dating this guy Joel for seven-plus years now. In no rush to get married, I’m in limbo regarding The Cookbook – which is obviously annoying – but I respect tradition…sort of. After a crazy 30-person Christmas dinner this year (my family’s huge), I proposed a gift idea to my Granny. (Every year she puts a lot of time and effort into a special gift that everyone gets – one year it was a bound book of her and my grandfather’s story, another, it was a CD of my great-uncle’s collected piano recordings.) So I suggested that, since her talented granddaughter (that’s me) is a graphic designer, why not give her The Cookbook (see where I’m going here?) so that I could redesign it for 2016! I could give it an index, fix the typos, format the recipes, and make it a better visual piece overall. I could also have it printed it to give it the professional and cherished binding that it deserves.

But she, being my smart Granny, said No. Not because she caught on to my plan, but because she thought that the typo-filled pages gave it personality and authenticity; that the Microsoft Publisher borders give it a “Granny” feel. Bless her heart.

Though I didn’t receive the go-ahead, I still love the idea. And then, earlier today, I stumbled upon this: Choosing and Pairing Typefaces for Cookbooks. Whether this is the universe telling me to go over Granny’s head, I’ll never know. But for now, I will keep in my Pocket for when she changes her mind.

It’s Like They’re Not Even Trying


This email came over the helveticka transom on Monday. Apparently, we’re to believe that the IRS now has an email address, that its representatives have difficulty with spelling, that a PTIN is a thing, that the tax-filing “season” now comprises two years, and that the domain is apparently so crowded that they have to rent space at to accommodate all their “instruction.” C’mon, guys. You need to elevate your game a bit if you’re going to fool someone as sharp as Linda. Besides, she already gave her account information to that Nigerian prince.

Untranslatable Puppy Names

After becoming frustrated by the lack of help received by the internet in naming my new puppy (oh yeah, did I mention that? I have a new puppy. She is adorable.) I went to our resident wordsmith, Aaron, for some advice. She is a Japanese breed, a Shiba Inu, yet I couldn’t seem to narrow down any Japanese names that fit her personality. Aaron quickly jumped to his shelf and pulled out a book of untranslatable words.

Though none of those names became that of our new pup (we landed on Remi, a French name, a few days later) it did get me thinking about the awesomeness of this concept. This morning my internet scour (check out my post yesterday for a more in-depth explanation) led me, as usual, to where I found this gem of a link rounding up just that: untranslatable words! My favorite of the bunch is number 14:


Check out more here, or when Aaron gets back from Greeley, Colorado I will post the title of the book he pulled out in the comments section!


My Daily Dose

I thrive on routine. Lack of structure does not look good on this lady, which is why I do little things throughout my day to keep on track and focused. One thing I find crucial – not to mention soothing – is design research. Every morning I brew a cup of coffee, sit down at my desk, crack my knuckles (CK hates it but Aaron does it too so at least I’m not alone in this terrible habit), launch Chrome, and start opening tabs. I scour the same basic websites for design news, trends, tutorials, articles, and awesomeness. Time permitting, I dive into new sites, and naturally with time this list evolves. This does three things for me: It wakes me up and gets my mind right for designing, it allows me to stay up to date and current on news and trends, and it keeps me excited about the field of design.


This is my list of my ever-growing, go-to morning websites:

The Skimm – “We read. You Skimm.” This is my daily dose of current news and events, boiled down to quick and direct paragraphs that are fun and informative. These ladies know how to do it.

Muzli – This is my creative dashboard. Muzli has a Chrome extension that makes every new tab I open a link-chalked checkerboard of design. You can also choose which sites that Muzli will source from, tailoring your experience.

Swiss-Miss – Swiss-Miss is a blog I have been following for years. Based out of NYC, this designer gives her daily post of interesting whether it be art, quotes, podcasts, products, or websites. She also runs Tattly, CreativeMornings, and TeuxDeux. Yep. She’s a badass.

Designer News – Designer news is not as fun as the previous three, but allows me to stay on the up-and-up with the industry. You can filter between top stories, most recent, and also dive into discussions.

Medium – At some point in time, Medium became one of my favorite websites, yet I have NO idea when that happened. It crept into my daily routine and now I would be devastated if something happened to it. They pride themselves on being “a community of readers and writers offering unique perspectives on ideas large and small.” Trust me, they deliver.

Pocket – When I have a pressing deadline and my morning routine of internetting is cut short, this baby comes in handy. Pocket is an app that allows you to save articles for safekeeping, effectively bypassing the clunky/dated bookmark. Just add the small icon to your browser window (much like you would do with Pinterest), and any time you find something you would love to read but don’t have a moment, click the icon and pocket it for later.

Throughout the day there are distractions, whether good or bad. These are a few sites that get me back on track feeling design-centered and productive:

From Up North – This website has a killer and endless supply of inspiration to explore. Expand your design mind with galleries of illustrations, motion graphics, typography, packaging design, logos, and web design. This website make me want to create cool and inspired work while helping to banish any lackadaisical mood that could be lurking behind 3 p.m.

Pinterest – Pinterest gets a bad wrap for being a “chick website” (a term that I loathe) when really it is littered with fantastic examples of design and inspiration. In the last year, I have revamped my boards and created a design-centric page that showcases my design affinities. Our sister company HelveticaHaus also has a Pinterest dedicated to all things helvetica and design.

Word of the Day

shih (noun; Chinese) An insightful, elegant kind of knowledge.

Though she considered him ill-bred and loutish (if not a downright cad), Courtney had to admit that there was a certain shih about Aaron—the kind, she noted to herself, that might come in handy the next time she attempted a crossword puzzle.

Editing More is Less


One of my favorite things to do is sit in an editing suite. It must have something to do with knowing that much of the heavy lifting—budgeting, planning, scripting, scouting, shooting, pre-editing—is already in the can. Editing, then, is all about squeezing everything you can out of both the footage and the audio in order to tell the best possible story.

The thrill of experiencing the creative really coming together is another reason I enjoy the final leg of the process. It’s rewarding to collaborate with uniquely talented people, whether it’s writers, producers, cinematographers, drone operators, composers, motion designers, and, of course, the editor. In the case of Metals Fab’s recent video, that would be Adam Harum (shown) from ILF Media. And since editing often involves removing the extraneous, I’ll simply leave it at…thanks, Adam. 

The Only Time Verbing Is a Good Thing

Back when I was a callow youth and working in one of those fast-paced, too-hip-for-words advertising agencies that looks more like an adult daycare than an actual place of business, one of our accounts was Netflix. And one thing Netflix wanted—really, really wanted—was to be verbed. See, this was around the time that “Googling” became a thing, and the way the Netflix suits figured it, if people started to say that they “Netflixed” a movie, well…that would pretty much be the final nail in Blockbuster’s coffin. (Remember Blockbuster? No? Never mind.)

Anyway, I was thinking about this as I read the Trademarks page over at Adobe’s website. Here’s a taste:

Trademarks are not verbs.
Correct: The image was enhanced using Adobe® Photoshop® software.
Incorrect: The image was photoshopped.

Always capitalize and use trademarks in their correct form.
Correct:The image was enhanced with Adobe® Photoshop® Elements software.
Incorrect: The image was photoshopped.
Incorrect: The image was Photoshopped.
Incorrect: The image was Adobe® Photoshopped.

Now, setting aside the fact that I’ve never—ever—heard anyone say that “the image was enhanced using Adobe® Photoshop® software,” this seems pretty short-sighted, doesn’t it? I mean, wouldn’t you want your product or service to be verbed? The New York Times thought so back in 2009.

Turns out it’s not that simple. Mike Hoban has some thoughts about it over at Fast Company; meanwhile, The National Law Review weighs in the supposed legal ramifications here.

As for me, well…Photoshop will always be a noun and a verb.

Rebrand Alert!

Depending on how often you Internet (new verb coined by yours truly; it means to scour the Internet with no real direction or time restraint) and what your Internetting (Aaron will love that) brings you to, you will have either heard about the Alaska Airlines re-brand or not. If you have, tell me your thoughts. If not, then please, continue reading, make your own assessment, and then let me know your thoughts. Enjoy…

ALASKA AIRLINES! I love Alaska Airlines. Being from Alaska, I naturally have an affinity toward things that make me nostalgic and the state I hold so near and dear. Growing up in Alaska you vacation…a lot. Every winter you fly somewhere, and by you I mean everyone. My girlfriend from Alaska moved to Spokane and the first time she came to visit me she asked, “So where are you guys going this winter?” My boyfriend was shocked that this was not an Alaskan tall tale ploy to trick him to go to Hawaii with me.

So anyway, you take your yearly oil dividend and you fly far, far away from the frigid darkness of February – and because there is no other airline crazy enough to operate out of Fairbanks, you fly Alaska Airlines. I think most people who fly Alaska can agree (after seeing the redesign) that the brand was due for a refresh. The navy blue looked very dated and stale compared to Southwest’s pallet and their adorable heart (I mean, who doesn’t want a heart-shaped swizzle stick in their drink?). So the talented people at Hornall Anderson set forth to create a new brand that could freshen up the image without stripping it of everything people have come to love about it over the last 80 years.


A new, bright palette is going to help it stand out from competing airlines while also adding some much-needed energy to the stuffy airport check-in stations. I am extremely happy that they chose not to scratch the famous Eskimo on the tail of the planes, in part because the editing and softening of his face makes him more approachable and friendly—though, to be honest, I’m going to miss the proud look he used to carry, as it felt very Alaskan. (Maybe they could have pumped the brakes just a touch, because now he feels a little less noble and a bit more jolly.) The new letterforms are clean and legible. I honestly hadn’t noticed the oddities in the old logotype, such as the K overlapping the A or the harshness of the S, and now that they’re gone, I find myself missing them. There was a streamlined and individual feel about the old logo, and though it was dated, I think it held up very well. I would have liked to see a bit more stylization carried over from the old letter forms, but I understand why they made the choices they did.

Maybe I’m just being sentimental, but I’m torn. My education and experience and personality and expertise tell me I should love it (as does CK). But I’m just not there yet.

Be sure to check out Alaska’s brand-launching website to see more.

The Texture of Design

When talking about design, so often I lean on buzzwords like grid, structure, layout, typography, rhythm, and scale. All of these are quintessential to great design, but lately I find that I am craving something with more substance: design focused around texture. Though painstakingly detail-oriented and time-consuming, graphic design done with just a pencil, paper, X-Acto knife, and varying depth is clearly a work of art. A true labor of love that begs the viewer to get closer and explore—to find the treasure in the details.

With the inspiration below, more Pinterest searches of “paper, graphic design,” and a trip to the art supply store, this is going to be my February project. Wish me luck (and patience)!




Stop! Grammar Time!

Principal or principle? This is one of those questions that, even after 15 years as a professional writer, can still send me to my dictionary.

Speaking of which, here’s how American Heritage (fourth edition) sorts it out:

Principal and principle are often confused but have no meanings in common. Principle is only a noun and usually refers to a rule or standard. Principal is both a noun and an adjective. As a noun, it has specialized meanings in law and finance, but in general usage it refers to a person who holds a high position or plays an important role: a meeting among all the principals in the transaction. As an adjective it has the sense of “chief” or “leading”: The coach’s principal concern is the quarterback’s health.

Paul Brians has more, in case it’s still a little unclear:

Generations of teachers have tried to drill this one into students’ heads by reminding them, “The principal is your pal.” Many don’t seem convinced. “Principal” is a noun and adjective referring to someone or something which is highest in rank or importance. (In a loan, the principal is the more substantial part of the money, the interest is—or should be—the lesser.) “Principle” is only a noun and has to do with law or doctrine: “The workers fought hard for the principle of collective bargaining.”

So, if it’s a person you’re referring to, it’s principal. If it’s an adjective – no matter what – it’s principal. If it’s about significance or position, it’s…also principal. About the only time you’d use principle, then, is if it’s a basic law, truth, or assumption.

Something tells me I’ll still be reaching for my dictionary.

Look on my Intellect, ye Dummies, and despair!

So. According to science, I’m “intellectually superior” to my coworkers, with “amazing ideas constantly running through [my] genius brain….” And that’s not all:

The cleverest among us find it difficult to prioritise which idea to focus on first, with the distractions potentially leading to “a feeling of inadequacy and inability to deal with the workload as a whole”, according to psychiatrist Dr Ned Hallowell. 

Let me put that into a logical proof for you:

A. I’m easily distracted.
B. Easily distracted people have ginormous brains.
C. Ergo, I’m better than you.

Sure, it sounds impressive and all, but it’s really a disadvantage—for everyone. I mean, imagine the awesomeness I could unleash on the world if CK would quit distracting me with all this busywork.

Why Musicians Need Philosophy

In this fascinating piece published by the Future Symphony Institute, Roger Scruton posits that “it is precisely the absence of philosophical reflection that has led to the invasion of the musical arena by half-baked ideas.”

Forget for a moment about the specifics (I happen to be a fan of both Stockhausen and Schoenberg); I wonder if Scruton’s thesis doesn’t help explain the universal appeal of, say, Bach?


David Bowie, RIP

I picked up David Bowie’s latest, Blackstar, on Friday—the day of its release—and the missus and I spent the better part of the weekend listening to the “unpredictable jazz solos and spirited vocals meeting timeless stories of blunt force and destruction,” as Ryan Dombal described it in his Pitchfork review, published last week.

Of course, the listening experience went from the sublime to the surreal when we learned of Bowie’s death this morning, particularly in light of lyrics like:

Look up here, I’m in heaven
I’ve got scars that can’t be seen
I’ve got drama, can’t be stolen
Everybody knows me now

Much will be written about Bowie over the next few days—most of it, I imagine, about how he left such an indelible mark not only on music, but also on fashion and art. (On that, in fact, Dombal was eerily prescient. “[The] tortured immortality is no gimmick,” he wrote. “Bowie will live on long after the man has died.”)

But for me, it’s always been about the music: exploratory, enigmatic, and transgressive. And beautiful—always beautiful.

There will never be another quite like David Bowie. There can’t be.

Poetry Break


Seamus Heaney

And some time make the time to drive out west
Into County Clare, along the Flaggy Shore,
In September or October, when the wind
And the light are working off each other
So that the ocean on one side is wild
With foam and glitter, and inland among stones
The surface of a slate-grey lake is lit
By the earthed lightning of a flock of swans,
Their feathers roughed and ruffling, white on white,
Their fully grown headstrong-looking heads
Tucked or cresting or busy underwater.
Useless to think you’ll park and capture it
More thoroughly. You are neither here nor there,
A hurry through which known and strange things pass
As big soft buffetings come at the car sideways
And catch the heart off guard and blow it open.


Today in History

Pamela, Lady Campbell, to Emily Eden, January 7, 1821:

“I cannot bear Scotland in spite of every natural beauty, the people are so odious… Their hospitality takes one in, but that is kept up because it is their pride. Their piety seems to me mere love of argument and prejudice; it is the custom to make a saturnalia of New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day they drown themselves in whisky. Last New Year’s Eve being Sunday, they would not break the Sabbath, but sat down after the preaching till twelve o’clock; the moment that witching hour arrived, they thought their duty fulfilled, seized the whisky, and burst out of their houses, and ran about drinking the entire night, and the whole of Monday and Monday night too. This is no exaggeration, you have no idea the state they are in—men lying about the streets, women as drunk as they—in short, I never was more disgusted.”

From The Folio Book of Days (Folio Society, London: 2002).

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