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The Bovine Menace

Between 2003 and 2008, shark attacks in the United States resulted in the deaths of four people. During the same time period, 108 people were killed by…COWS.

Popular Mechanics has published a handy list of precautions you can take that might just save your life—like “Trust them and get used to how they work, but don’t trust them so much that you turn your back on them,” and “If you have a cow or bull that you know to be prone to violent outbursts, get rid of it.”

04.06.2011, 9:59am
by Spimbi

Don’t know what’s stranger: the fact that cows have caused that many fatalities or that Popular Mechanics is offering advice on the matter.

04.06.2011, 10:18am
by Derek

As we become less & less of an agrarian society, fewer people have ever been around livestock, thus the need to clue people into the fact that farm animals are not like small dogs and kitty cats.

04.08.2011, 2:41pm
by The Bovine Menace | @Spokane

[…] Via The Last Word: […]



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