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What I Did on My Summer Vacation, Part I

When CK returned from his vacation last month, he regaled us all with tales of German architecture, Italian opera, and Swiss design. (You can read his travelogue here, here, here, here, and here.) Since my compensation package is pegged to the Argentine peso, however, my recent time off was…a little more modest.


Not that I’m complaining or anything. While I’m sure Tuscany has its charms, I’m really more of a Channeled Scablands kind of guy. And one of the best ways to experience ’em is on foot—via the Escure Ranch. You not only get coulees, cliffs, and canyons, but also a sparkling oasis at around four miles from the trailhead: scenic Towell Falls.


Now, you’re supposed to keep an eye out for rattlesnakes, and you should probably not hike this under the merciless August afternoon sun, but still…this area is well worth a look-see. Just take plenty of water.

12.04.2016, 3:31am
by Kim Hogan

Nothing like summer vacation musings to make a guy miss God’s country. Got a book recommendation in “part III” too. Thanks.



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