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Friday Frivolity

Today’s roundup of odds and ends (mostly “odds”) comes entirely from Fortean Times—the world’s foremost authority on “strange phenomena and + more

Bob Dylan Doesn’t Give a S***

Asked to respond to some rather scurrilous charges of plagiarism, Bob Dylan has choice words for his Rolling Stone interlocutor: + more

Spokane Scene no. 5

The Times, They Are A-Changin’

One of the few truths we can cling to in this uncertain age is that all government websites suck wet + more

Sweet, Sweet Tobacco

I totally need a smoke right now.

Where Do You Work?

People are occasionally curious about where our employees come from. And I don’t mean their home towns or almae matres, + more

Cage + Drury = Awesome

Yesterday was John Cage’s 100th birthday. Not that one; this one. One of my favorite pieces of his is the 1947 + more

Shoulda Paid Attention in High School English

Kyle Wiens, CEO of iFixit and founder of the software company Dozuki, administers a grammar test to all prospective employees. + more

Monday Miscellany—British Edition!

Archaeologists found a 2,500-year-old brain in the UK. It has “the consistency of tofu,” and “none of the distinctive smell + more

Sticks and Stones

Rarely do we get political here at the last word, but this is really too much. I know, I know. + more

Ah, Our Glorious Mosaic…

So I was walking in San Francisco’s Chinatown a couple of weeks ago, and came across this guy camped out + more

Call Me Boofy

Today’s Oxford English Dictionary Word of the Day is “boofy.” It’s Australian slang, apparently. Usually of a man or boy: + more

Speaking Truth to Power

Academics don’t write to be read; they write to be published, says Barton Swaim. As to why their writing is + more

Monday Miscellany

What would happen if everyone on earth stood as close to each other as they could and jumped, everyone landing + more

Because it’s Friday…

…here’s a gallery of “mosaic sculptures” of musicians—using actual CDs of the musicians themselves. Mind = blown.

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