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the design life

Waxing Philosophical

Q: Three women walk into a bar. Which one’s the vegan? A: Don’t worry. She’ll tell you. There are a lot + more

Jmup Aournd

I am not dyslexic, and until this morning, I could only imagine what it would be like. Thanks to this amazing link, everyone + more

Braces and Virtual Reality

I had braces in high school. And I loved them. Every day I could see my teeth moving from huge and bad + more

Could You Smile Just a Bit More?

When we complete one of our environmental graphic design projects, we often arrange for them to be photographed. And over + more

The Cookbook

In my family, when you get married, you get a cookbook. Not just any cookbook. The cookbook. It’s filled with recipes from my mother’s side + more

It’s Like They’re Not Even Trying

This email came over the helveticka transom on Monday. Apparently, we’re to believe that the IRS now has an email address, that + more

My Daily Dose

I thrive on routine. Lack of structure does not look good on this lady, which is why I do little things + more

Editing More is Less

One of my favorite things to do is sit in an editing suite. It must have something to do with knowing + more

Rebrand Alert!

Depending on how often you Internet (new verb coined by yours truly; it means to scour the Internet with no real direction or + more

The Texture of Design

When talking about design, so often I lean on buzzwords like grid, structure, layout, typography, rhythm, and scale. All of these are + more

Pixels in My Pocket

I remember when the only photographs I allowed myself to take were with my Cannon SLR 35mm camera—which had to + more

It’s Never Easy

No other typeface stirs up such divergent viewpoints as Swiss-born Helvetica. According to Wolfgang Weingart—the father of Swiss Punk typography—it’s “the epitome of + more


So Christmas is next week. T-minus nine days and counting. And even though my shopping is done, I won’t judge + more

90 Percent of the Quilting Jokes on Pinterest Are about Ryan Gosling

Growing up in my mother’s quilt shop taught me a lot of things: color theory, how to determine grain, and what quality craftsmanship + more

Metals Fab Unplugged

There’s something exciting about working inside a big, industrial manufacturing facility like Metals Fab. Huge I-beams moving about, lots of + more

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