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Miscellany—and More Music

Back from an ever-so-brief blogging hiatus, we bring you the latest from helveticka‘s global news bureaus:

The true story of Roland the Farter, in which we learn of the existence of “professional fartists.”

“[J]ust like sugar, pornography and television, ‘what you prefer is not always good for you or right for you.'” Science myths that refuse to die.

Western civilization is doomed: “Eight of the top 20 selling books on Amazon currently are coloring books designed for adults.”

A Love Supreme is 50 years old,” says Ravi Coltrane. “But if you have not heard it before—you didn’t know it existed before yesterday—than [sic] it’s essentially brand new.”

Speaking of music, I need to amend my best-of list from December 3, not to mention retract this headline. I just discovered Anna Thorvaldsdottir’s In the Light of Air. It’s a breathtakingly beautiful piece of contemporary classical music, and really shouldn’t be missed.



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